Statewide forms
Last updated: 2024-12-19
Reference these statewide forms when administering a construction contract.
DT forms
QMP form templates
File Name | Description |
AncillaryPrePlacementDepth.docx | Ancillary pre-placement depth checks (sidewalk & driveways) |
BADCmpctSum.docx | QMP Base Aggregate 1 1/4" Compaction Testing Summary (155 report) |
BADSmallQntySum.docx | QMP Small Quantity Base Aggregate Testing Summary (155 report) |
BADSum.docx | QMP Base Aggregate Testing Summary (155 report) |
BGQVSum.docx | Beam Guard Acceptance Testing Summary (155 report) |
CIRSum.docx | Cold In-Place Recycling Summary (155 report) |
ConcAncSum.docx | QMP Concrete AncillaryTesting Summary (155 report) |
ConcBarrSum.docx | QMP Concrete Barrier Testing Summary (155 report) |
ConcPvmtSum.docx | QMP Class I Concrete Pavement Testing Summary (155 report) |
ConcPvmtThickSum.docx | Concrete Pavement Thickness Testing Summary (155 report) |
ConcStrucSum.docx | QMP Class I Concrete Structures Testing Summary (155 report) |
HMAPWLSum.docx | PWL HMA Mix and Density Testing Summary (155 report) |
HMAQMPSum.docx | QMP HMA Mix and Density Testing Summary (155 report) |
IRISum.docx | QMP IRI Ride Testing Summary (155 report) |
MillRelay_PulvRelayCmpctSum.docx | QMP Mill and Relay Compaction and Pulverize and Relay Compaction Summary (155 report) |
MSEWallSum.docx | QMP MSE Wall Testing Summary (155 report) |
NonConformance_NonPerformanceAddendum.docx | NC/NP Justification Write-Up Addendum |
NonPerformance_NonConformanceConcurrence.docx | NC/NP Justification Write-Up |
SubgradeSum.docx | QMP Subgrade Summary (155 report) |
WS forms
Forms beginning with A-F
File Name | Description |
ApplForPermitToInstallTempBusSignOnHwyRW.dotm | Application for Permit to Install Temporary Business Sign(s) on Highway Right-of-Way During Improvement Project |
BenchMarks.docm | Bench Marks Location and Elevation |
BrdgVertHorzClear.dotm | Bridge Vertical and Horizontal Clearance |
BrdgVertHorzClearDividedHwy.dotm | Bridge Vertical and Horizontal Clearance Divided Highway |
ConcBrdgDeckPrePourAgenda.docm | Concrete Deck Pre-Pour Meeting |
ConcBrdgSubStrucPrePourAgenda.docm | Concrete Substructure Pre-Pour Meeting |
ConcPavingPrePourMtg.dotm | Concrete Paving Pre-Pour Meeting |
ConcreteDeckPourAuthorization(StructureNo).doc | Concrete Deck Pour Authorization Form |
ConstrPermit.dotm | Construction Permit Recommendation and Approval |
CRIConceptEvaluation.docx | Cost Reduction Incentive (CRI) Concept Evaluation |
CulvertPlacement.pdf | Culvert Replacement |
CurbRampComplianceForm.pdf | Curb Ramp Compliance Post Construction Report Instructions |
DamagedGirderReport.pdf | Bureau of Structures Damaged Girder Incident Report & Proposed Response |
ElastoExpDeviceInstallData.dotm | Elastomeric Expansion Device Installation Data |
Forms beginning with G-L
File Name | Description |
GuardrailPostSamplingDataForm.xlsx | Guardrail Post Sampling Data Form |
HMA_PWL_PrePaveAgenda.docm | HMA PWL Pre-Pave Meeting |
HMAPrePaveAgenda.docm | HMA Pre-Pave Meeting |
IRIRideProfileNotificationTemplate.docx | Used by contractors to notify WisDOT staff when IRI ride Profiling is taking place on a contract. |
LettertoPropOwner.dotm | Letter to Property Owner |
LineOfCommunication.docx | Line of Communication (Associated levels of decision making) |
Forms beginning with M-R
File Name | Description |
MailboxRemoval.dotm | Mailbox Removal During Highway Construction |
MtgNotes.dotm | Meeting Notes |
NLEBBridgeInspectionForm.pdf | Appendix C: Bridge/Structure Inspection Form |
NLEBBridgeInspectionGuidance.pdf | Appendix B: Bridge Inspection Guidance Preliminary Bat Inspection Guidelines for Bridges/Structures |
Notification for Demolition and/or Renovation (Form 4500-113)
Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources Handling Waste from Demolished Structures web page.
PromptPymtToPrimeF2.dotm | Prompt Payment to Prime to Pay Subcontractors F2 |
PromptPymtToPrimeF3.dotm | Prompt Payment to Prime to Pay Subcontractors F3 |
PromptPymtToSubF1.dotm | Prompt Payment to Subcontractors F1 |
RandNoBAD1.xlsx | Random Numbers: Location Base Aggregates Dense |
RecycledAsphalticBinderChangeRequest.xlsx | Recycled Asphaltic Binder Change Request |
RRChklst.dotm | Railroad Checklist |
Forms beginning with S-Z
File Name | Description |
SignBrdgVertClear.dotm | Sign Bridge Vertical Clearance |
SignStrucSignalLeftVertClear.dotm | Sign Structure (Signal-Left Side) Vertical Clearance |
SignStrucSignalRightVertClear.dotm | Sign Structure (Signal-Right Side) Vertical Clearance |
SiteHealthAndSafetyChklst.dotm | Site Health and Safety Checklist |
StrucVertClearInstructionOnly.pdf | Record Critical Vertical Clearance |
TrafficCtrlInspectionChklst.dotm | Traffic Control Inspection Checklist |
Utility Relocation Claim Assessment Notice.docx | Utility Relocation Claim Assessment Notice |
Utility Relocation Claim Documentation Checklist.docx | Utility Relocation Claim Documentation Checklist |
Utility Relocation Claim Notice of Receipt of Claim.docx | Utility Relocation Claim Notice of Receipt of Claim |
WeeklyProgressMtgAgenda.docx | Weekly Progress Meeting Agenda |
WDNR Notice of Termination (NOT) Website | Requires WAMS ID to log on |
WDNR Notice of Termination (NOT) Guidance | Construction General Permit (TCGP) Guidance |
Yield Calc&Asphalt Paving Diary Example.xlsx | HMA Paving Diary Worksheet |
Pantry Forms Committee Members (Chairperson denoted with an *)
Member | Representing | Email address | Telephone Number |
Chad Hayes* | DTSD Bureau of Project Development | | 608-246-5391 |
Korey Boehm | NC Region - Wisconsin Rapids | | 715-459-2943 (M) |
Brandon Patterson | SW Region - Madison | | 608-516-9218 |
Eric Hanson | SE Region | | 414-840-9341 |
Brandi Graham | NW Region | | 715-635-5059 |
Lisa Koca | NC Region - Rhinelander | | 715-365-5708 |
Brian Heiden | NE Region | |
920-366-3743 |