Statewide spreadsheets

Last updated: 2024-07-17

Statewide Pantry spreadsheet changes

Here is a list of the statewide spreadsheets to be referenced when administering a construction contract.

File Name Description
1YearPlantWarr.xlsx 1 Year Plant Warranty Trees Shrubs Vines
2YearPlantWarr.xlsx 2 Year Plant Warranty Trees Shrubs Vines
Acre.xlsx Acre
AEWEllipRnd.xlsx Apron Endwall Elliptical and Round Pipe
AreaByCoord.xlsx Area by Coordinates
AsphaltPavingDiary.xlsx Asphalt Paving Diary
BarsSize4thru11.xlsx Bar Steel Size No. 4 thru No. 11
BasePatch CY.xlsx Base patch by cubic yard
BasePatch SY.xlsx Base patch by square yard
CF.xlsx Cubic Foot (CF)
ClGr.xlsx Clearing and Grubbing
Comp.xlsx Computation Sheet
ConcDwy.xlsx Concrete Driveway
ConcMixDesignNoQMP.xlsx Concrete Mix Design No QMP
CulvertPipe.xlsm Culvert Pipe
CY.xlsx Cubic Yard (CY)
CYTruckload.xlsx Cubic Yard Truckload (CY)
EA.xlsx Each (EA)
ElectricalLinealFoot.xlsx Electrical Lineal Foot - For conduit, not wire or cable in duct (CID)
ElectricalLoopDetectors.xlsx Electrical Loop Detectors
ElectricalWire.xlsx Electrical Wire
EndAreaByCoord.xlsx End Area by Coordinates
EndAreaCY.xlsx End Area by Cubic Yard
FertTypeA&B.xlsx Fertilizer Type A & Fertilizer Type B
ForceAccountCost.xlsx Force Account Invoice
ForceAccountWkly.xlsx Weekly Force Account Cost Report
FuelCostAdj.xlsx Fuel Cost Adjustment
Geoshape.xlsx Geometric Shape
GeoshapeSFandCYd.xlsx Geometric Shape Square Feet and Cubic Yard
GirderTenthPoints.xlsx Girder Tenth Points
GranBackfillPgs1and2.xlsx Granular Backfill
Hammer(ModifiedGates).xlsx Modified Gates Hammer
hma-density-field-ws-v2.1.5.xlsm HMA Field Density
hma-pwl-production-v3.1.4.xlsm HMA PWL Production
Changelog for hma-pwl-production-v3.1.4.docx
hma-pwl-test-strip-v2.1.3.xlsm HMA PWL Test Strip
LF.xlsx Linear Foot (LF)
MGal.xlsx 1000 Gallon Unit
Mobil.xlsx Mobilization
MultipleItemSheet.xlsx For multiple items of the Each and LF type
Optimized_PCC Spreadsheet_Version4.5.xlsx Concrete mixture design spreadsheet
PipeSum.xlsx Pipe
QMP-performance-tracking.xlsx QMP Nonperformance (NP) of QMP spreadsheet
Signs.xlsx Signing and Post
SignSupportsStrSteelHS.xlsx Signs Supports Structural Steel HS
SlabSpanTenthPoints.xlsm Slab Span Grade Setting
SqFt.xlsx Square Foot (SF)
SqYd.xlsx Square Yard (SY)
SqYdAvgWidth.xlsx Square Yard Average Width (SY)
Sum.xlsx Summary
TackConv.xlsx Tack Conversion
TicketsLbsToTons.xlsx Tickets Lbs to Tons
TicketsNonComputerized.xlsx Tickets Non Computerized
TicketsTon.xlsx Tickets Ton
TrafficControl.xlsx Traffic Control
Trans.xlsx Superelevation Transition
VertCurve.xlsx Vertical Curve


Pantry Spreadsheet Subcommittee Members (Chairperson denoted with an *)

Member Representing Email address Telephone Number
Chad Hayes* DTSD Bureau of Project Development 608-516-6495
Dan Bauknecht SW Region – Madison 608-516-6303
Kyle Getchell NC Region - Rhinelander 715 365-5786
Matthew Smith SE Region - Waukesha 414-750-1537 (M)
Jacob Klages NW Region – Eau Claire 920 492-5695
Brian Heiden NE Region - Green Bay
