Generating the Preliminary Proposal Detail Estimate Report

Last updated: 2023-03-13

The Preliminary Proposal Detail Estimate report is required documentation for PS&E submittal. Complete these steps to print this report. Reports related to proposals are generated under the Proposal Summary component.

  1. On the Proposal Summary component, select Open Components Action Menu | Reports | Preliminary Proposal Detail Estimate.

  2. On Generate Report screen 3 of 5, the required report options are checked by default. Make any necessary changes and go to screen 4.
    1. Cover page – General proposal information
    2. Proposal Detail Estimate Cost Summary – Cost summary for the project
    3. Proposal Detail Cost Estimate – Item level funding report for the project
    4. Proposal Detail Estimate Funding Summary – Funding allocation report for the project. Compare the funding data from this portion of the report to FIIPS to ensure it is correct.
    5. Include E and C Percentage – The E&C percentage appears on the report.
    6. Other report options may be selected (Same information as b. and d. summarized in a different manner). Designer should select what works best for their needs.
      1. Proposal Detail Estimate Funding Summary by Fund
      2. Proposal Detail Estimate Funding Summary by Unit
      3. Include Pricing Comments report – This report will display up to 256 characters of the pricing comments imported from Estimator.

  3. On Generate Report screen 4 of 5, review the following default options making changes as deemed necessary.
    1. Output type – Generate as PDF OR Download as PDF depending upon the browser.
    2. Report Layout Source – Select "Custom" to use the custom WisDOT template for this report.
    3. Click <Execute> to create the report.
      Click the right arrow to go to screen 5 where designers have the option to "Enable Scheduling". Refer to AWP Basics | Generating Reports for details on how to schedule a report to print at a later time.

  4. The Preliminary Proposal Detail Estimate report will open up in a new browser window. It can be saved as a PDF or printed. The proposal level Preliminary Detail Estimate is one of the documents included in the eSubmit process. See FDM 19-10-1 for instructions on the eSubmit process.

    Preliminary Proposal Detail Estimate Report example


Go to Generating the Proposal Price Schedule Report, the next step under Creating a proposal for PS&E submittal.