Payroll spreadsheet creation, conversion, and import process

Last updated: 2025-01-16


  • Payroll role for the prime and subcontractors = modify access
  • All other construction and CRL roles including Contractors = no access

Complete the steps below to use the WisDOT AASHTOWare Project Payroll Spreadsheet to upload payrolls into the AWP CRL Payrolls. The WisDOT AASHTOWare Project Payroll Spreadsheet is customized specifically for WisDOT. The spreadsheet is used to enter up to 50 employee payrolls each week for a specified WisDOT contract and project. Once payroll entry is complete, use the AASHTOWare Project Spreadsheet Conversion Utility to convert the spreadsheet to an XML file and import the .XML file into the AWP CRL Payrolls system.

  • This process is the same for both prime contractors and subcontractors.
  • Each week, company payroll staff copy the contract specific payroll spreadsheet template to create a weekly payroll spreadsheet for the specified contract for that week for import into AWP CRL.
  • The information provided are suggestions to make this process easier for your company. Each company might use the template and weekly payroll spreadsheets differently depending on your company’s needs and the specific details of your employees' information.
  • Information entered in the spreadsheet must be typed correctly. Errors in spelling or capitalization may cause the spreadsheet to fail the AASHTOWare Project conversion process, the import process, or the payroll review process by triggering a payroll exception.
  • Blue fields are data entry fields. A red asterisk indicates a required field.
  • Some fields have associated tool tips that will appear upon clicking the cell.
  • The contractors role does not have access to enter payrolls. Contractor and subcontractor staff who enter payrolls must use the Payroll role. Contractor staff with multiple roles will need to switch to the Payroll role to complete these tasks.

Tip: Click on the thumbnail images below to expand and view the content.

Upon successful import of the payroll spreadsheet, go to Review and sign a Certified Payroll Report (CPR).