Vendor Registration System (VRS)
Last updated: 2024-04-03
The Wisconsin Department of Transportation (WisDOT) developed a new vendor registration system in collaboration with Infotech. Vendors currently use the Civil Rights Compliance System (CRCS) to register as a new vendor or to update existing vendor information for WisDOT. This includes vendors that have been certified as a Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) with the Wisconsin Department of Transportation (WisDOT) or with the City of Madison, Dane County, or Milwaukee County.
WisDOT implemented VRS on April 1, 2024. As part of this implementation, current vendor information will be maintained in both VRS and CRCS by the department. Vendors should continue to use CRCS for entering payrolls and verifying payments for WisDOT highway contracts.
The system requires a Wisconsin Access Management System (WAMS) ID to log on for authentication purposes.
Vender Registration System (VRS) URL
VRS will be the main source of entry for vendor information and used to perform these functions:
- Search for and request access to an existing vendor.
- Register as a new vendor with the department.
- Change or enter current vendor information including contact information, address, email, and phone number on the Vendor Profile tab.
- Change or enter vendor officer contact information for the president, vice president, secretary, treasurer, Annual Affidavit Contact (AAC), bid contact, and other positions on the Officers tab.
- Change or enter the vendor admin officer on the Officers tab. The Vendor Admin User is the business representative responsible for maintaining vendor account information within the WisDOT Vendor Registration System. This user is the single point of contact for the company.
- Initiate the DBE Certification process at any time. VRS provides access to the DBE Certification Eligibility requirements and application process.
- Create and maintain vendor subsidiary(ies).
- Vendor information entered in VRS will be displayed on the associated AASHTOWare Project vendor records.