Payment estimates

Last updated: 2025-01-24


  • Project Engineer = modify access
  • Contract Specialist, Inspector, Project Manager, Supervisor, Chief, FHWA, ReadonlyConstr = Readonly access

An estimate should be sent twice a month for any contract that has a payment due of $1,000 or more. Refer to the region specific construction administration guides for more information. Refer to the Standard Specifications, Section 109.6.2 "The department will make 2 progress payments each month, if feasible, if the contractor is due a payment of $1,000 or more. The department may reduce this minimum payment due for contracts of $25,000 or less."

Payment estimates are approved in AWP Construction based on the payment estimate types and approval levels setup by the AWP System Administrators. A payment estimate will begin the approval process when the Project Engineer creates and approves the draft payment estimate. Staff will receive a system event email notification when it is their role's turn to approve the payment estimate.


Here are some things that Project Engineers should consider before creating an estimate:

  • Staff should review the contract data entry requirements prior to submitting their 1st payment estimate for approval following the guidance in Contract Review at 1st Payment Estimate Submittal.
  • All DWRs to be included in the payment estimate must be approved and diaries created prior to creating a payment estimate.
  • Go to Estimate needs prior to construction starting (Conditional Start Notice) for details about this process.
  • On some contracts there may be multiple staff assigned the same role with contract authority to a contract (e.g. Project Engineer, Project Manager). Staff should identify internally who is creating and submitting the payment estimate for approval with the understanding that multiple staff may have the ability to create and approve a payment estimate BUT ONLY ONE staff member per role can perform these steps for each payment estimate.
  • The Actual Completion (Time Charges Stop Date) must be entered for each COMPLETED contract site if time has stopped on this site. If the contract site is completed on time, the estimate will not calculate liquidated damages.
    • Project Engineers may create a change order to extend contract time to avoid liquidated damages.
  • Create only one estimate each day. If there are issues with the estimate, they should be corrected PRIOR to submitting for approval.
    • If the errors are not caught, a new offsetting payment estimate can be created the same or following day. Contact the AWP System Administrators if this occurs.
  • Estimates for stockpile items:
    • An estimate can be created to pay for stockpile items prior to time starting and setting the main site 00 to active.
    • An estimate can be created to pay for stockpile items prior to Notice to Proceed.
    • Go to Notes tab *Required Entry* for guidance on entering payment estimate notes on stockpile only estimates.
  • Negative estimates:

Warning: Once final approval is received for a payment estimate, the payment estimate CANNOT be altered or deleted. A new payment estimate is required to make any corrections or changes to the contract.

Tip: Click on the thumbnail images below to expand and view the content.

Payment Estimate data entry is broken down into these key areas: