
Last updated: 2024-12-11


  • Project Engineer = modify access
  • Contract Specialist, Project Manager, Supervisor, Chief, FHWA, ReadonlyConstr = Readonly access
  • Contractors = No access
  • Entry of Daily Diary Remarks for ALL contract types:
    • Project Engineers enter their diary remarks in a single "DD Diary - Daily Diary Remark" record.
    • Project Engineers MUST have a Daily Diary entry for each day of the week including Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays unless time has been suspended or until the contract is complete and the contractor is no longer on site.
    • If no work is done by the contractor or a subcontractor, this should be noted in the diary (e.g. "No work") under Daily Diary Remarks.
    • Diary entry can begin after contract activation and before construction starts. This can take place BEFORE the Time Charges Start Date is entered and the Site Status is set to Active on the main 00 site. Project staff will need to remember to enter these two fields when they are ready to start time on their contract.
  • Entry of Daily Diary Controlling Operations / Hours / Delay remarks:
    • Completion Date and Calendar Time (Calendar Date) contract types only - Record the controlling operation, hours worked and reason for delay under the "DD Control/Hrs/Delay - CT/DTOnly-ControllingOperationHoursDelay" remark.
    • Available Time (Working Day) contracts only - Time is charged on the Contract Times tab. See details below to ensure additional information is entered correctly based on the status of your contract:
      • On days prior to the Time Charges Start Date - Enter remarks for prep work completed (survey, traffic control) on the General Tab under an additional "DD Diary - Daily Diary Remark" remark entry.
      • On or after the Time Charges Start Date - Charge time by entering hours available, hours worked, controlling operation, and original time charged plus any comments on the Contract Times tab.
      • On or after the entry of the Actual Completion (Time Charges Stop Date) - Enter remarks for contract wrap up work completed on the General Tab under an additional "DD Diary - Daily Diary Remark" remark entry.
  • Added the ability to view and search the Daily Diary Remark on the Contract Progress Summary Diaries component. It is recommended that Project Engineers enter a single "DD Diary - Daily Diary Remark" as the last updated Daily Diary Remark is the one that will appear in the list. More details about this process appear below on the General tab.
  • Weather, Contract Time and Inspector remarks can be imported from corresponding approved DWR(s) only.
  • Diaries are locked automatically when they are included in an approved payment estimate. There is no approval process (formerly referred to as generate in the legacy systems). No intervention is required on the part of the Project Engineer. When the payment estimate is created, diaries created since the last payment estimate through the date of the new payment estimate become part of the payment estimate.
  • When diaries are locked and included in an approved payment estimate:
    • Only the diary remarks can be edited.
    • The diary cannot be deleted from the contract.
    • Approved item postings from associated and approved DWRs are included on the payment estimate.
    • Working day site time charges from the associated diaries are included in the payment estimate and cannot be altered. Time can be adjusted on a locked diary to correct a diary time charge on an approved payment estimate by creating a Diary Adjustment.
    • The estimate number for a locked diary is listed on the Contract Progress Summary | Diaries component.
  • If daily diaries are not entered on a regular basis, Compliance Specialists cannot accurately monitor and correct possible discrepancies for the contractor and subcontractors working on the project on a weekly or bi-weekly basis.
  • On a carryover project, state “No worked will be performed on this project until MM/DD/YYYY.” on the last day worked. Resume the diary in the spring with the first diary stating “First day worked since MM/DD/YYYY.” Place this information in the Daily Diary Remarks.
  • It is recommended that project staff review CMM 160 - Construction Inspection prior to creating DWRs and diaries.


  • Once a diary is associated to a payment estimate, it is locked. Only the diary remarks can be edited. No other fields can be edited.
  • Once a DWR is approved and associated to a payment estimate, it is locked. No fields can be edited on the DWR. A new DWR MUST be created to offset any item posting errors, equipment or personnel selection errors, or to add additional comments that were not part of the original DWR.
  • Field staff have the option to approve DWRs with item postings only (for payment estimates) leaving the other DWRs in draft status so they can be edited in the future.


Diary data entry is broken down into these key areas: