Agency Views

Last updated: 2024-03-01

An agency view is a customized component created by WisDOT. WisDOT created agency views to incorporate data entry into AWP Construction that previously took place in some of our legacy systems like Project Tracking and Field Information Tracking.

The Contract Specialist, Project Engineer, and Compliance Specialist roles will work together to record the information tied to the various Agency Views in AWP Construction.

  1. Log into AASHTOWare Project

  2. Select the appropriate role (home button action arrow and select the role).

  3. Select the contract under Contract Administration Overview by searching for the Contract ID, controlling project ID, region, county or contractor in the search box.

  4. Click on the contract ID hyperlink for the contract you are working on.

  5. On the Contract Administration Summary component, click Component Actions Menu | Views to see the list of Agency Views created for WisDOT.