Project summary data fields table
Last updated: 2025-02-10
Subcomponent | Field | Required | Description | ||||||||||||||||||
General | Project ID | Yes |
Imported from and must match FIIPS. This is the Construction Project ID with hyphens. Examples:
Project Description | System generated |
The Project Description is the project title and limits fields from FIIPS. This data is imported from FIIPS. Limited to 72 characters based on the FIIPS field size limitations (35 character project title + 2 characters for the semi colon and space + 35 character project limits). The Project Description is no longer an editable field. The designer should contact their Plan Reviewer or the AWP System Administrators if they feel the Project Description is incorrect and does not match FIIPS. |
Federal Project Number | Yes |
Imported from and must match FIIPS. Based on what appears in FIIPs, enter the following information:
When the correct federal project number is assigned in FIIPS, it will automatically update this field during the next FIIPS import process. |
State Project Number | Yes | Enter the Construction Project ID from FIIPS. This field appears on various AWP reports. | |||||||||||||||||||
Controlling Project | Yes, if controlling project | An indicator that this is the main/controlling project in a proposal containing multiple projects. There can be only one controlling project per proposal. | |||||||||||||||||||
Project Item Total | No | This number will be updated automatically when you generate the Preliminary Project Detail Estimate Report. | |||||||||||||||||||
Spec Book | Yes | Starting with Spec Book version 2025, enter the year of the Spec Book that the project will be constructed under. For example, if the project is being constructed under the 2025 Spec Book, enter “25”. | |||||||||||||||||||
Unit System | Yes | Select “English” from the drop-down list for all projects. | |||||||||||||||||||
Project Type | Yes |
Select the appropriate project type from the drop-down list. In most cases, this will be LET - Let Contract.
Project Status | Yes |
Select “PREL – Preliminary Estimate” at the start of the estimate creation process. |
Project Work Type | Yes | Select the appropriate project work type from the drop-down list. (Code Table: PRJSTAT) |
Urban/Rural | Yes |
Select the appropriate option – Urban or Rural. |
EC Percent | No |
This is the delivery percent from the FIIPS Estimate page. The Project EC Percent will be distributed to each of the categories; however, if a category has a different EC Percent, enter the differing value at the category level. Zero is a valid value. It is no longer required to be entered into AWP. However, it can be entered based on region preference. |
Primary Project County ID | System generated | The primary county ID and description based on the primary county selection on the Project Counties tab. | |||||||||||||||||||
Primary Project Region ID | System generated | The primary region ID and description based on the primary region selection on the Project Region tab. | |||||||||||||||||||
Estimate Date | Yes, at PS&E submittal | The date the estimate was completed. Complete this field prior to submitting for PS&E. | |||||||||||||||||||
Design Region Office | Yes | Enter either the region office city or prefix (e.g. GRE, MAD, etc) to locate the region office in the table. The design region office selected should match the information found in the plan letter. See FDM 19-10-15 for guidance on the plan letter. (Code Table: STAFF) |
Design Firm (WisDOT or Consultant) | Yes | If this is a WisDOT in-house design, select WDT000 WisDOT. If this is a consultant designed project, select the design firm name. If there are multiple design firms, select the primary design firm. This value is passed to the Construction Contract Project Design Evaluation Report (DQI). | |||||||||||||||||||
Div/Bur | N/A | The division and bureau code value (imported from FIIPS). | |||||||||||||||||||
Authorized Date | N/A | The project authorization date (imported from FIIPS). | |||||||||||||||||||
Anticipated Let Date | N/A | The anticipated LET date (imported from FIIPS). | |||||||||||||||||||
Project Code Trim | N/A | The project code trim value (imported from FIIPS). | |||||||||||||||||||
Project Code | N/A | The project code value (imported from FIIPS). | |||||||||||||||||||
Construction Region Office | Yes | Enter either the region office city or prefix (e.g. GRE, MAD, etc) to locate the region office in the table. The construction managing office selected should match the information found in the plan letter. See FDM 19-10-15 for guidance on plan letters. (Code Table: REGOFF) |
Last Updated By | System generated | The name of the person who most recently changed this record. This field is automatically populated by the system. | |||||||||||||||||||
Last Updated Date | System generated | The date and time this record was most recently changed. This field is automatically populated by the system. | |||||||||||||||||||
Counties | County ID | Yes | Search for and select the county. | ||||||||||||||||||
Pct | Yes | The percentage of project length for this county. Each county in a project is initially assigned 100%, but this value can be changed as needed. | |||||||||||||||||||
Primary | Yes | Check the “Primary” checkbox if this is the primary OR only county for this project. | |||||||||||||||||||
Regions | Region ID | Yes | Search for and select the region. | ||||||||||||||||||
Primary | Yes | Check the “Primary” checkbox if this is the primary OR only region in which work will be performed for this project. | |||||||||||||||||||
Points | Type | Yes | The location of the point of the project. By default, each project has ONLY ONE Midpoint. Edit this record. Do not create additional Midpoint records. The creation of Beginpoint and Endpoint records is optional. |
Description | Yes |
Use camel case to enter or update the project route and county as they appear in FIIPS, separated with a comma. Examples: STH 081, Lafayette County
Latitude | Yes | Enter the latitude value found when searching for the project on, Google Maps, or similar mapping tool. Enter the latitude (as a positive value) for the beginpoint, endpoint, or midpoint of the project in the format DD:MM:SS.SS (i.e., 43:15:34.36). The value entered must fall within this range: 42 deg. 29 min. 30 sec. to 47 deg. 3 min. | |||||||||||||||||||
Longitude | Yes | Enter the longitude value found when searching for the project on, Google Maps, or similar mapping tool. Enter the longitude (as a positive value) for the beginpoint, endpoint or midpoint of the project in the format DD:MM:SS.SS (i.e., 43:15:34.36). The value entered must fall within this range: 86 deg. 49 min. to 92 deg. 54 min. | |||||||||||||||||||
Road Segments | Name | Yes |
For Primary Road Segment, enter the FIIPS Project Description Title only in camel case. Examples: "Holmes Road" is the project description title for "Holmes Road, Town Of Gibson East Twin River Bridge and Approaches".
For all other road segments that are associated to a category, enter the Category ID AND Category Description this road segment is part of in camel case. |
Highway Number | Yes |
Enter the highway name or three digit number with leading zeros. Examples: 010 for USH 010, B for CTH B, 041 for IH 041, LOC for local street, VAR for various highways
Description | Yes |
For primary Road Segment, enter “Primary” only.
Examples: USH 010, STH 019, IH 041, CTH B, local street name, or Various Highways
Type | Yes |
Select the road type from the drop-down list that aligns with the values in FIIPS.
Route | Yes |
For Primary road segment, DO NOT change the route field because it is populated with data from FIIPS.
Examples: IH 090, USH 029, STH 034, CTH HH, VAR HWY, LOC STR, BUS 051
Lane Mile | No | Not used at WisDOT. | |||||||||||||||||||
Length | Yes | The length of the road segment in miles. | |||||||||||||||||||
Width | Yes | The width of the road segment in feet. | |||||||||||||||||||
Depth | No | Not used at WisDOT. | |||||||||||||||||||
Begin and End Station | Yes |
The begin and end stations for the road segment as shown in the project plan sheets. If the project is a divided highway, this should be the eastbound lane limits. Examples: STA 11+00 or Log Mile 1.00
In addition, designers may enter the start and end latitude and longitude points. |
Start / End Latitude | No | Enter the latitude values found when searching for the project on, Google Maps, or similar mapping tool.
Enter the latitude using the format DD:MM:SS.SS (i.e,. 43:15:34.46). |
Start / End Longitude | No | Enter the longitude values found when searching for the project on, Google Maps, or similar mapping tool.
Enter the longitude using the format DD:MM:SS.SS (i.e., 87:39:34.45). |
Category ID | Yes | Category that this road segment represents. Leave blank for Primary Road Segments. | |||||||||||||||||||
Structure Segments | Structure ID | Yes |
Proposed structure ID.
Examples: B-23-0136 or C-17-0029
Description | Yes | Enter the Category ID and Category Description that this structure is part of in camel case. | |||||||||||||||||||
Structure Type | Yes | Select the structure type from the drop-down list. (Code Table: BRDGTYP) |
Length (feet) | Yes | Enter the length in feet only for the structure, not the approach. Length is defined as end of deck to end of deck as shown on the structure plan, top edge of paving notch to top edge of paving notch, or outside to outside of box culvert on the roadway reference line.
Enter 0 if not applicable for structure type. |
Width (feet) | Yes | Enter width in feet only for the structure, not the approach. Width is defined as the clear width as shown on the structure plan.
Enter 0 if not applicable for structure type. |
Number of Spans | Yes | Enter number of spans for a bridge or number of cells for a box culvert.
Enter 0 if not applicable for structure type. |
Start and End Latitude | No | Enter the latitude values found when searching for the project on, Google Maps, or similar mapping tool.
Enter the latitude using the format DD:MM:SS.SS (i.e., 43:15:34.46). |
Start and End Longitude | No | Enter the longitude values found when searching for the project on, Google Maps, or similar mapping tool.
Enter the longitude using the format DD:MM:SS.SS (i.e., 87:39:34.45). |
Category ID | Yes | Category that this structure segment represents. |
Tip: FIIPS is the abbreviation for the Financial Integrated Improvement Programming System.