Processing fully executed change orders

Last updated: 2025-01-23


  • Contract Specialist, Project Engineer, Project Manager, ReadonlyConstr, FHWA

Once a change order is approved by all parties, a system event email notification will be sent to the Contract Specialist, Project Engineer, Project Manager and Contractor. These processes need to take place next:

Info: The role identified below is the Contract Specialist role. Regions may have other staff members performing these duties.

  1. In the system event email notification, the Project Engineer is instructed to send the final approved copies of their Contract Modification Justification(s) to the Contract Specialist.
  2. The Contract Specialist reviews the Contract Modification Justification(s) to ensure all the signatures have been obtained, all the attachments are included, and saves the .pdf in the project folder.
  3. The Contract Specialist sends a copy of the change order to those who do not have AWP Construction access like the FIIPS Coordinator, local municipalities, or FHWA if required. All other users should be able to log into AWP Construction to review the final approved historical change order report.
  4. The Contract Specialist downloads a copy of the historical change order report with all the attachments included and save the .pdf in the project folder. Go to Download the Historical Change Order Report for detailed instructions.
  5. The Contract Specialist imports the historical change order report into Onbase for the Bureau of Fiscal Management. Enter all the projects IDs associated to the contract during the import process. Go to the OnBase Job Aid - Import and Retrieve Documents for detailed instructions.