Managing workflow phases

Last updated: 2023-02-23

A workflow is a set of relationships between tasks and the order in which those tasks are performed throughout the lifecycle of a project, proposal, and contract. The WisDOT Workflow currently has 14 phases that are used to move a project, proposal, or contract through its life cycle.

Worklflow Phase Processes
Project Definition

Designers will work with their project(s) in the Project Definition phase during the creation of the engineers estimate. The designer creates the engineers estimate, creates "C" proposal, associates project(s) to the proposal, and sets the workflow to the PSE phase.

PSE The Plan Reviewers review projects and proposals; the PSE Coordinator assigns the correct proposal number and re-associates projects, and when the plan review process is complete, the proposal is set to Advertisement phase.
Advertisement During this phase, the bid letting is created. The section and line items are locked by the FixPropItemLine rule. Once the letting advertisement is complete, all proposals are placed in the Addenda phase .
Addenda If an addenda is required and agreed upon, the proposal is updated. Once the addenda phase is complete, all proposals are placed in the Bid Processing phase.
Bid Processing The Bid Processing phase will allow import of bids. Staff will create Bid Tab Analysis and Bid Tab Edit reports, plus seven other reports. After report review, all proposals are placed in the Bid Review and Award phase.
Bid Review and Award Staff review bid proposals and determine bid status. Proposals to be awarded or rejected are placed in the PreconHadEnded phase. Proposals on hold are left in this phase.
DeferWithdrawnReject Placeholder for deferred, withdrawn, and rejected proposals.
Historical Historical data that is copied to DSS.
PreconHasEnded Run the contract initialization process to pass proposal to the AASHTOWare Construction Administration System.
ActiveContract Construction contracts that are pending activation.
Construction Active construction contracts.
ClosedContract Closed construction contracts.
ArchivedContract Archived construction contracts.
MigratedContract Migrated construction contracts.


Designers will work with their project(s) in the Project Definition phase during the creation of the engineers estimate. When their work is complete, they will move the proposal to the PSE phase and lock it for review by the Plan Reviewers. 

The Bid Let Management Team will work with the project and proposal during the Advertisement, Addenda, Bid Processing, and the Bid Review and Award phases. The team will move the proposal to the PreconHasEnded phase when all their work is complete.

Construction Project staff will work with the contracts during the Construction phase. When construction is complete, the contract will move through the ClosedContract, ArchivedContract, and MigratedContract workflow phases.

Go to the detailed AASHTOWare Project Preconstruction™ flowchart (149 KB) for more information.